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Craftsman Tool Box Nameplate

This tool Box is a vintage sears Craftsman toolbox name plate order form, it is unequaled for your tool needs.

Cheap Craftsman Tool Box Nameplate

This is a sensational tool for Craftsman tool Box designs! It can handle all the custom name plate needs when creating badges and emblem designs, the toolbox also includes a chest to hold all of these tools. This is a vintage sears Craftsman toolbox name plate order form, it is in wonderful condition and is over 25 years old. It is fabricated from made and is in very good condition, it is plenty of room to keep all your tools. It can be used to create a tool Box or chest look for your business, it is likewise unequaled for making some toolboxes or emblems. This is a top-of-the-line value for the price member of any team! This is a top-rated tool Box badge tool for any Craftsman tool box! You can add a name or badge to the front or back of the tool Box nameplate! The tool Box chest also imparts an use now:xviii, this tool Box chest grants a top-rated design with a different color for each step behind the tool box, so you can show that the tool Box is special! The tool Box chest also offers a big hole for an emblem or name plate! The tool Box chest is a splendid surrogate to show your work in a substitute that is unique.